SCC @ chchstreetsociety hardpark
we are excited to announce slow cars club will be sponsoring the chchstreetsociety hardpark.
if it has wheels and an engine, bring it down to Mitre 10 Ferrymead on October the 26th at 5pm.
chchstreetsociety will be giving out free stickers to the first 10 people who ask at the raffle table, or $5 a sticker, but note cash sales will only be accepted
a big thanks to izukuwami media and shotsbyollie who will be providing photography throughout the evening
we are providing a merch pack for one of multiple raffles, for more details on the other raffles check the chchstreetsociety instagram page
all raffle tickets are free, but are limited to 1 per person and there are a limited number, so get in quick
all standard raffle rules apply, if your number is called out and you’re not present to receive the prize the raffle will be redrawn
the hoodie sizes available will be S, M, L and XL
please keep in mind that this is a family friendly event, be considerate of the public and drive responsibly